Thursday 13 December 2012



"Functions of Managers." Cliffs Notes. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. 


"What Is the Difference between Internal and External Communication?" What Is the Difference between Internal and External Communication? N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. <>.

"Management Styles." Management Styles. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. <>.

 "The Importance of Effective CommunicationA Building Societies Association Case Study." The Communication Process. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. <>.

How To Select Media

How To Select The Appropriate Media?

There is no ‘best communication method’. The method of communication may be chosen after considering the following factors

How much does it cost?
Electronic media cost a lot and may not be afforded by an organization whereas face to face discussion does not involved any cost

How fast should be the communication?
Oral communication is always faster than written communication. Moreover, with the advent of electronic media large message can be transmitted over large geographical areas in the minimum of time

How much information is to be transmitted?
Written communication may be more suitable when dealing with loads of information

What is the importance of feedback?
In organizations where employees’ feedback is an integral part of decision making. Oral communication may not be the most important form of communication

Do you want a permanent record of information?
Written communication is most suitable form of communication when a permanent record of the message has to be kept. For example, an employee contract records the terms of employment

Steps To Overcome

Steps To Overcoming Barriers To Communication

  • -       Message should be as brief as possible and to the point
  • -       Main points of the message should be highlighted
  • -       Language used should be understood by the receiver
  • -       Avoid using technical jargons
  • -       Use of appropriate facial expression while delivering verbal messages

  • -       Select appropriate channel for communication
  • -       Medium used should be free form distortions such as telephone failure, internet failure etc
  • -       Use the shortest possible channel in order to avoid distortion

  • -       Feedback should be asked from the receiver
  • -       Trust between the sender and receiver is an important requirement
  • -       Receiver should pay attention to the message received

Barriers To Effective Communication

Barriers To Effective Communication

In many communications, the message that sent by the sender is not received exactly by the receiver. Besides, it is important that the communicator to keep in track with the sender or receiver.These are few common barriers to effective communication:

Problems with the sender:
  • -       The sender may use to technical language or may use ‘jargons’ which are difficult to understand
  • -       The sender may speak too quickly which makes it difficult to interpret what he is saying.
  • -       The sender initiates a wrong message
  • -       The message send by the sender may be too long and due to this the main point to be emphasized may get lost
  • -       The sender may have a wrong opinion or perception of the receiver and may not put effort to put across the message in an effective way

Problem with the medium
  • -       The message may be lost while transmitting
  • -       Using an inappropriate medium may result in the less effective communication
  • -       A longer channel of communication will result in distortion of the message and it ay lose its original meaning
  • -       There is lots of physical disturbances in channel of communication used

Problems with the receiver
  • -       The receiver might not be paying attention and thus message may lose its impact
  • -       I many cases, the sender might not be trusted by the receiver and may not act in the intended way
  • -       The receiver may not have the necessary skills to understand he message

Problems with the feedback
  • -       The feedback may be missing or distorted

Management Functions

Management Functions


In this function it establishes goals and objectives to pursue during a future period. The planning function spans all levels of management. Top managers are involved in strategic planning that sets board, long-range goals for an organization. These goals become the basis for short-range, annual operational planning; during which top and middle managers determine specific departmental objectives that will help the organization makes progress toward the broader, long-range goals.

How to communicate?
Managers must communicate with their superiors to gain approval of their plan before executing it; this communication is called upward communication. After gaining the approval from their superiors of their plan, managers must share their plan with the employees or people beneath them; this flow of communication is called downward communication.

What types of communication to use?
With the superiors, I think the manager could perhaps call for a meeting with their supervisors. When communicating with the employees or people on the same level, I think written communication would be best, sending emails, memos, etc.


In this function it typically follows planning and reflects how the organization tries to accomplish its goals and objectives. In relation to the structure of a company, organizing involves the assignment of tasks, the grouping of tasks into departments and the allocation of resources to departments. Organizing also involves establishing the flow of authority and communication between position and levels within the organization. Top manager performs these activities. Like wise middle manager and supervisors organize the tasks to create positions within their departments. Job analysis and job design activities are organizing function.

How to communicate?

I think the best way is to use oral communication as this would make the employee easier to know right away. I think visual communication is not the best idea because some of the employee might not paying attention or  could not see properly.


This function, directing is also referred to as leading, it involves influencing division, departments, and individual staff members to accomplish the organization's goals and objectives.

How to communicate?

The type of communication that is the most effective would have to be oral communication again. This makes the management easier because in verbal communication, the employee can clear his/her doubt right away but visual communication might make the employee complicated.


Manager performing the controlling management function translate organizational goals and objectives into performance standards for divisions, department and individual position. Controlling also involves assessing actual performance against standards to determine whether the organization is on target to reach its goals and taking corrective actions as necessary. Managers practicing the evaluative component of controlling assess how well the organization has achieved its objectives.

How to communicate?
Written communication, oral communication or visual communication could work quite well in this type of situation. The manager could  send an email to the employee which is not time consuming. 

Management Styles

Management Styles


Autocratic management style is one where the manager makes decisions unilaterally, and without much regard for subordinates. As a result, decisions will reflect the opinions and personality of the manager, which in turn can project an image of a confident, well managed business.


Democratic is when the manager allows the employees to take part in decision-making: therefore everything is agreed upon by the majority. The communication is extensive in both directions from employees to leaders and vice-versa


Laissez faire leaders try to give the least possible guidance to subordinates, and try to achieve control through less obvious means. They believe that people excel when they are left alone to respond to their responsibilities and obligations in their own ways.

·         The leader feels in    control of the situation
·         With an autocratic leader, people know what to do and what to expect
·         Enables fast decision- making
·         People feel oppressed and frustrated
·         Too much dependence on leader
·         Fear of punishments can lead to poor performance
·         Allow no scope for individual contributions from group members
·         Leader feels more supported by team members
·         Contributions are encouraged from team members with a wider range of skills and experience
·         Participation can increase motivation
·         Decision-making can be slow
·         Leader may not agree with decision taken but feel obliged to accept them
·         Encourages loyalty and commitment to the team by giving members responsibility for their own actions
·         Allows members to use their own skills to the full
·         No real direction
·         Poor co-ordination of team could lead to duplication of effort or working at cross-purposes
·         May give rise to conflict within the team

Types Of Communication

Types Of Communications

There are three types of communication that is available to communicate.

Oral communication
  • Oral communication includes one to one conversations, interviews, appraisal sessions, group meetings or team briefings

  • -          It allows two way communication and feedback
  • -          It encourages motivation
  • -          It is fast and feedback can be received instantly
  • -          The message can be reinforced with the proper use of body language

  • -          Body language of both the sender and receiver may have a negative impact
  • -          It may be unsuitable for information which is technical nature

Written Communication
  • It includes letters, memos, reports, notices, faxes and e-mail

  • -          Provides records and references
  • -          Message can be carefully drafted and directed to large audience through mass mailing
  • -          It promotes uniformity in policy and procedures

  • -          It may create mountains of papers
  • -          May be poorly expressed by ineffective writers
  • -          May provide no immediate feedback
  • -          It may take long time to receive and properly understood

Visual communication
  • Visual communication usually indicates diagrams, pictures, charts and pictorial representation of the message.

  • -          Easy to understand and retain the information
  • -          May be more interesting than simple written communication

  • -          It is not always clear and the may be misinterpreted by the receiver